Recurring event: All practicing Catholic gentlemen are invited to join the Knights of Columbus. An induction ceremony is planned for each second Sunday of the month. Family and friends are welcome and encouraged to be present.

When there are candidates ready to join the Knights of Columbus, Saint Benedict’s Council 4208 holds an Exemplification of Charity, Unity, and Fraternity on the second Sunday of the month after the 10 AM Mass in the main area of the Church building, in the chapel, or in the parish hall classroom. An Exemplification is the normal means by which men join the Order of the Knights of Columbus and advance in the ranks of the Order. All practicing Catholic gentlemen are invited to join the Knights of Columbus. All people, including family and friends and current KC members, especially those who have not yet made the second and third degrees of the Order, are welcome and encouraged to attend this public ceremony, which only takes about 30 minutes. For more information:

–>Contact Council 4208:

–>What it means to be a Knight of Columbus:

–>Online membership form (to be filled out before going through the Exemplification): Use Agent Referral Code “WWITT” to get one year of free membership; after the first year, membership dues are $25 per year.

Here’s a little dialogue between a prospective Knight of Columbus and a current member of Saint Benedict’s Council 4208:

Prospective Knight (PK): So I’ve been thinking about it and I really want to volunteer with the Church and be more involved. But I don’t know if I want to sign up for something that I don’t know if I’ll have time for. Just don’t wanna leave anyone hanging; you know what I mean?

Current Member (CM): You can spend as little or as much time on KofC activities as you like. It’s the unity that comes with membership that probably means the most; we become a force for good simply by virtue of our banding together as Catholic gentlemen.

PK: OK that sounds pretty good.

PK: Is there a financial responsibility?

CM: No dues the first year. After that, $25 per year. Well worth it. I’ve been a member since 1993! Love it! Sometimes I’ve been very active; sometimes I’ve been dormant. It’s all depended on my life responsibilities. Currently, I’m semi-dormant because my responsibilities and time commitment at work are currently quite high but, as soon as that diminishes, I intend to dive more deeply into Knights of Columbus activities.