
Past Event: Prayer Garden Work on 16 and 23 July 2022

Decorah Knights

July 16 and 23. Saturdays. Decorah is asking for help to reconfigure the rosary in the Prayer Garden. Would like to start about 8:30 AM each day to accomplish something before the heat turns up. We will provide water and some eats later. Tom Hartman is in charge. (563-379-1093)


Decorah Knights
FAITH & DESSERT SERIES (As of 17 July 2022, this series is on hold until further notice.) “The greatest tragedy in the Church is an ignorant laity” (paraphrased from Cdl. Saint John Henry Newman, arguably the greatest Catholic apologist of the 19th century). -WHAT IT’S ABOUT: The program will include dessert, adult-oriented catechesis (religious instruction), fellowship & conversation, and Benediction. You can come to any session; the programs stand alone; you don’t need to attend all of them to understand what’s going on; join in anytime.